Sunday, September 24, 2017

This Side of Paradise, An Opera

By coincidence I've started reading This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald (will I ever be known as P. Downing Gillen?) which seems pretty appropriate given where I woke up this morning.

As noted yesterday we've arrived at Elida and Guenter's home in Umbria; in Panicale specifically just to the west of Perugia. Although I can't imagine the amount of work it took to create it, much less maintain it, it is absolutely gorgeous, the perfect farm home. They raise olives for oil for sale and a variety of things for home consumption. I wandered on my own while Nancy and Elida took the long loop walk around the property and Guenter slaved away getting ready for the olive picking.

After which Nancy and I went into Panicale.

It would be difficult to overstate just how charming this flyspeck of a village is, on a hilltop overlooking Lago (Lake) Trasimeno. We stopped for coffee at Signor Gallo's cafe (none other per Elida) then strolled though the village stopping to buy cheese and fruit (clementines, pears, and pecorino), and then another coffee. What an utterly lovely spot.

And back down the hill to the farm to consume the comestibles acquired above and to discuss, well, everything. Then naps for many, but typing for me. We're off to the opera then dinner with friends so I probably wouldn't have had time to type this far tonight.

Ciao for now.

So, the opera.

Panicale has a tiny municipal opera house tucked away on a cobble stone street. There is seating for maybe a hundred on the floor and two tiers of boxes. We were offered "L'Occasione Fa Il Ladro" by Rossini, one of those swapped/mistaken identity things; fairly short, maybe two hours including intermission. The singing ranged from good to excellent and we and our fellow guests enjoyed ourselves immensely.

A small group of us then returned to Elida and Guenter's house for a great lasagna dinner. Great dinner, great conversation, a great time.


Polite comments and suggestions are always welcome.